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The Full Beauty Suite

Mirrored Image Beauty & Wellness Morpheus8, Lumecca, and DiolazeXL

Unleash your inner glow at Mirrored Image Beauty and Wellness in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin! We're ushering in a new age of radiant skin with a powerful trio of treatments: Morpheus8, Lumecca, and DiolazeXL. This dynamic combination can address everything from wrinkles and sun damage to unwanted hair, giving you a more youthful, confident you. Experience the difference Mirrored Image Beauty and Wellness can make! –

Schedule your consultation today!

Morpheus 8

Morpheus 8

Morpheus8 is a cutting-edge treatment that can turn back the clock on your appearance. It's not magic (though the results might seem like it!), but a scientific approach to smoother, tighter skin. Here's the deal: Morpheus8 uses a combination of microneedling and radiofrequency technology to target the deeper layers of your skin. This stimulates the production of collagen, the protein that gives your skin its youthful bounce. By remodeling the tissues beneath the surface, Morpheus8 can help you achieve a more radiant and noticeably younger look.

  • Natural-looking results: Say goodbye to the "overdone" look. Morpheus8 stimulates your own collagen production, leading to gradual, natural-looking improvements.

  • Reduced downtime: Get back to your life quickly! Unlike surgery, Morpheus8 has minimal downtime, so you can be glowing in a matter of days.

  • Multiple concerns, one treatment: This versatile treatment tackles wrinkles, fine lines, loose skin, acne scars, and even stretch marks.

  • Long-lasting effects: The boost in collagen production keeps your skin looking refreshed for months to come.

  • Comfortable and safe: Morpheus8 minimizes discomfort and is suitable for a wider range of skin tones compared to other treatments.

Mirrored Image Beauty & Wellness Morpheus8, Lumecca, and DiolazeXL
before & after


Unleash your clearest, most beautiful skin in just 10 days with Lumecca! This revolutionary treatment utilizes cutting-edge Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to target and diminish pigmented and vascular lesions. Unlike harsh treatments, Lumecca employs a comfortable photofacial technique, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and radiant. See a noticeable difference in just a few sessions and achieve the clear, beautiful complexion you deserve.

  • Targets uneven skin tone: Lumecca can reduce freckles, sunspots, and hyperpigmentation, leaving you with a more even complexion.

  • Minimizes signs of sun damage: If your skin is dull or uneven due to sun exposure, Lumecca can help reverse that.

  • Reduces redness: Lumecca can be effective in treating rosacea, a condition that causes redness and flushing.

  • Treats spider veins: Lumecca can target the pigment in spider veins, causing them to fade and become less noticeable.

  • Relatively quick and comfortable: Lumecca treatments are typically faster than other IPL treatments and use a cooling tip to minimize discomfort.

  • Minimal downtime: Unlike some other cosmetic procedures, Lumecca requires no downtime, so you can resume your normal activities immediately following treatment.

Mirrored Image Beauty & Wellness Morpheus8, Lumecca, and DiolazeXL
before & after
Mirrored Image Beauty & Wellness Morpheus8, Lumecca, and DiolazeXL
before & after


DiolazeXL is a cutting-edge laser hair removal treatment that comfortably and effectively gets rid of unwanted hair. It has a large treatment area, so your sessions will be quick, and it’s powerful enough to target even coarse hair. This combination of speed, comfort, and effectiveness makes DiolazeXL a laser hair removal technology leader.

  • Smooth, Long-lasting Hair Reduction: DiolazeXL targets the root of the hair follicle to permanently reduce hair growth, leaving you with smoother skin for longer.

  • Faster Treatments, Fewer Sessions: Compared to other lasers, DiolazeXL's design allows larger areas to be treated quickly, reducing the number of sessions needed to achieve desired results.

  • More Comfortable Treatments: Built-in skin cooling helps to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

  • Effective for Various Hair Types: DiolazeXL is effective on a wider range of hair types, including fine hairs and even stubborn, coarse hairs.

  • Safe for Most Skin Tones: Unlike some laser hair removal options, DiolazeXL is suitable for a broader range of skin tones.

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